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Global CEO Magazine:
Motivating BPO employees
Failure to attain the desired level of `fusion' or integration is one of the main reasons for M&A failures. Some simple lessons from a `music concert' can give valuable insights to managers in tackling the `M&A failure drivers' and enable them to attain effective M&A integration.

Motivating employees is an incessant and key process for any industry. No amount of quality work can obtained from employees unless they feel motivated enough to pour their heart and soul into what they do. The concept of motivating employees becomes all the more important for the BPO industry where the job involves a high degree of monotony and tremendous amount of stress while working during odd hours of the night. This article based on a field study correlates the various existing theories on motivation with the BPO industry. The BPO industry is considered to be the most sensitive of the knowledge industries when it comes to encouraging and motivating the employees. The article discusses the common policies for motivation which are pursued by most companies as well as specific innovative policies to a particular company. The article also poses a few questions to the practitioners and researchers in this area. There is no uniform solution for all the issues related to employee motivation. The need of the hour is to be innovative.


Motivating employees, key process, monotony, Information Technology, segment comprising ITES, Telecom sector, Motivating employees, key process for any industry, employees, feel motivated, The concept of motivating employees, high degree of monotony, the BPO industry. the knowledge industries