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Advertising Express:
How Communication Tools Can Be Integrated?

The concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is receiving considerable attention due to the challenges faced by marketers in designing and implementing their marketing communication programs. However, there is a lack of agreement on what integration means and how to integrate different communication tools. Based on the research and discussion existing on the subject of IMC, this article presents a theoretical framework to better understand the concept, and proposes two strategies for integration. These strategies are based on two relevant characteristics of the message contentconsistency and complementaritythat make the different communication tools complete. Finally, the authors provide some guidelines on the quantitative and qualitative effects from an IMC perspective.


In the last decade, no area of marketing has seen more drastic changes than marketing communications. Current communication operates in an environment of saturation by product messages, increasing inattentiveness on the part of consumers, and increase in competition as a consequence of the globalization process (Kitchen et al., 2004). One of the most important changes is the dramatic increase in the variety of communication options available to advertisers. Within this context, managers deploying scarce resources across different communication elements hope that spending on one source has a positive impact on the effectiveness of another source.

Traditionally, the various components of marketing communication, i.e. advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing and so forth, have operated largely independently of each other. Most recent literature has suggested that companies should use an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) approach. This approach provides a new way to manage the different communication options, which insists on integrating them in a common program. The IMC framework is built on the foundation that different communication media, if deployed appropriately, have the potential to enhance communication effectiveness. In addition, IMC as a business competency suggests that multiple communications can be integrated to achieve synergistic outcomes (Naik and Raman 2003; Smith et al. 2006).


Advertising Express Magazine, Communication Tools, Integrated Marketing Communication, IMC, Marketing Communication, Globalization Process, Advertising Agencies, American Association of Advertising Agencies, AAAA, Integration Strategy, UNICEF Programs, IKEA Advertising, Brand Marketing, Integration Strategies, IMC Literature, Communication Industry.