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Advertising Express:
Glocalization : Consumer Electronics in India

This article captures the glocalization strategies adopted by consumer goods MNCs in India. Many well-known international brands in the area of consumer electronics such as LG, Samsung, Nokia and Philips have established themselves in India in the post-liberalization period. Many of these MNCs recognized India as not being a homogeneous market, but, a heterogeneous market impacted by various cultural and language differences. Accordingly, many of them fine-tuned their marketing mixes and targeted these culturally and regionally diverse markets. In this backdrop, the article discusses the success factors for these MNCs and how they negotiated shortfalls during their successful onward journey in India.


The liberalization of the Indian economy opened the door for many foreign companies, but the first to enter were consumer goods manufacturers. Riding on the success of satellite television channels and the subsequent exposure of Indian consumers to countless number of foreign advertisements, consumer electronic companies leveraged the early advantage. However, India being a blend of various cultures, customs and languages, posed many challenges for these MNCs initially. In addition to this, there exists a rural-urban divide with more than two-third's of the country's population living in villages. The MNCs had to fine-tune their strategies to enter these diverse markets. Many of these consumer goods MNCs adopted the strategy of glocalization.

Glocalization is the fusion of two paradoxical though related conceptsglobalization and localization. Put in simple terms, it refers to "the creation or distribution of products or services intended for a global or transregional market, but customized to suit local laws or culture." Glocalization is the strategy of being global but simultaneously being sensitive to local needs and conditions. While Globalization emphasizes on globalization of production, glocalization is more sensitive to social and cultural needs of a community/region and offers integration with conflicting or widely differing cultures.


Advertising Express Magazine, Glocalization, Consumer Electronics in India, Post-Liberalization, Indian Economy, Satellite Television Channels, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Indian Consumers, Indian Markets, Indian Rural Consumers, Indian Mythology, Glocalization Strategies, Innovative Technologies, e-Technology, Marketing Strategies.