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Advertising Express:
Ethical Ads vs. Unethical Ads : Eternal Tussle

With advertisements in India becoming more exaggerated, the public in general, finds that most of the advertisements are deceptive and false. In India, the customers are, most of the time, taken for a ride by the manufacturers because a majority of the customers are illiterate, ignorant or unaware and at the same time, there is less tendency on the part of the customer to voice his complaint against the exploiter. Very few customers opt to seek action against the exploiter and take him to task. Thus, the moral responsibility rests on the business houses to make advertisements for the mutual benefit of themselves and for the society as a whole.


With advertisements in India becoming more exaggerated, the public in general, finds that most of the advertisements are deceptive and false. In India, the customers are, most of the time, taken for a ride by the manufacturers because a majority of the customers are illiterate, ignorant or unaware and at the same time, there is less tendency on the part of the customer to voice his complaint against the exploiter. Very few customers opt to seek action against the exploiter and take him to task. Thus, the moral responsibility rests on the business houses to make advertisements for the mutual benefit of themselves and for the society as a whole.

In India, though advertisements have many benefits like the public being exposed to new products and so on, the ad message is becoming more and more exaggerated. To achieve competitive advantage, advertising magnifies unimportant differences, resorts to clever and tricky product promises, and claims unbelievable benefits. The customer finds many advertisements as false, deceptive, or misleading and is uncertain whether or not the performance of a product purchased will in fact meet their needs. If they find that the product lacks in quality, advantage, durability, etc. as advertised, they might not buy it again and might develop an aversion to every other product of that company.


Advertising Express Magazine, Ethical Ads vs. Unethical Ads, Eternal Tussle, Ethical Advertising, Mass Communication, MRTP Act, Consumer Protection Act, Corrective Advertising, Modern Business, Goods or Services, Pathological Condition,Fair Trade Practices Act.