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Advertising Express:
Internal Advertising: An Introduction

Internal marketing is one of the extensively discussed topics in marketing, but not much research has been done on the same. Certain concepts like internal advertising and internal branding have come up in marketing lately. This article gives an introduction to the concept of internal advertising. It also outlines the effects of advertising on employees by analyzing two small cases of internal advertising.


Until recently, the concept of customer for an organization meant those customers who were external to the organization. But the phenomenon that has been highlighted by conducting research into services marketing is internal marketing. This term was coined as an umbrella concept for a variety of internal activities and processes which were not new, but focused this way, offering a new approach to develop a service orientation and an interest in customers and marketing among an organization's personnel. Many managers would argue that external marketing is difficult without actually introducing the concept of "internal customers" (Ewing and Caruana 1999). The internal marketing concept starts with the concept that employees are the first internal market for the organization (Gummesson, 1987; George, 1990). If goods, services, planned marketing communication, new technologies and operational systems cannot be marketed to this internal target group, marketing to the ultimate, external customers cannot be expected to be successful either.

Internal marketing is a prerequisite for successful external and interactive marketing. Kotler (1994) defines internal marketing as "The task of successfully hiring, training and motivating able employees to serve the customer well". It examines how smart employers can enfold the principles and practices related with external brand management and marketing communication, internally.


Advertising Express Magazine, Internal Advertising, Internal Branding, Services Marketing, Marketing Communication, Brand Management, Management Processes, Marketing Literature, Communications Management, Advertising Accuracy, Advertising Strategy, Decision Maker, Organizational Culture, Customer Loyalty, Service Organizations.