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Advertising Express:
Brand Positioning : Mantra for Success

This article discusses brand positioning in the Indian perspective with the help of a few select cases to drive home the point.


Many a historian has noted that the 19th century was dominated by Britain and the 20th Century was dominated by the US. There are predictions galore that Asia will call the shots in the 21st Century. Enterprises, in their drive to stay ahead of competition in the marketplace and to have a more favorable post-purchase behavior than their counterparts, strive to retain distinctiveness and quality in their products and services. Another area of global concern has been rampant counterfeiting and "me-too-products" which are creating confusion and resulting in reduced sales margins and profits to the genuine producers.

This article is not a rehash of the theory of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP); it remains true, as Late Rosser Reeves said that, "A gifted product is mightier than a gifted pen". And the USP is still the best strategy for competitive advantage - provided, it is persuasive and sustainable. And there lies the rub.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Positioning, Unique Selling Proposition, USP, Brand Managers, Economic Benefits, Savlon Antiseptic Liquid, Marketing Strategy, Richardson Hindustan Limited, RHL, Zinc Pyrithione, ZPTO, Indian Perspective.