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Mystery Shoppers : Effective "In Specters"?

Mystery shopping or ghost shopping, the name may give the image of something secretive or enigmatic. Rather, it is a technique that big brands like Marriott Corporation, Dell Computers, General Motors, Toyota, Microsoft, Kingfisher Airlines, Marico's Kaya Clinic, Shoppers' Stop, Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, etc. employ to monitor the customer service and efficiency of their employees. This profession is gaining momentum mainly because these people are paid to observe and complain. In this article, an attempt is made to analyze the merits and demerits of using mystery shoppers in evaluating the effectiveness of employees.


Mystery shoppers are basically professionals who can be independent contractors, part-time employees or permanent employees. A mystery shopper is not only hired by large retail chains, restaurants, hotels but also by banks, government offices, airports, hospitals, movie theaters, life insurance firms, etc. to check the quality of their customer service. These mystery shoppers check the store by actually stepping in and purchasing some product or service. They carry a set of standard questionnaires or checklists based on Key Result Areas (KRAs) and evaluate the performance on various criteria like do customers feel welcome, how well and within what time they are greeted, does the salesperson have knowledge of all the products and services available there, level of demonstration, are they able to understand the needs of customers, how well they are dressed and their general etiquette, are the products displayed properly; and they also observe the environment, safety, cleanliness and general customer service issues. Experiences of these people, in the form of a report is sent to high level management for their perusal. Sometimes, companies also ask these ghost shoppers to carry hidden video cameras with them. These mystery shoppers get handsome remuneration per visit ranging from Rs. 250 to 1,000 when high-end products are involved while getting freebies from pricey stores, dining at exquisite restaurants or free lodging in expensive hotels.

This profession is gaining momentum mainly because these people are paid to observe and complain. It requires less time so this is becoming a favorite of housewives, students and others who do not want to get tied up to typical office timings. Those who have panache and fervor to enhance the customer service and the quality of the product can plunge into secret shopping.


Advertising Express Magazine, Mystery Shoppers, Dell Computers, Kingfisher Airlines, Decision-making, Guest Satisfaction Tracking Survey, Douglas Photography Shop, Virtual Shoppers, Customer Services, Marico's Kaya Clinic, Pantaloon Retail India Limited.