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Global CEO Magazine:
Learning organization : An overview

The concept of `learning organization' is becoming an increasingly acceptable philosophy in all performance-driven organizations the world over. The only long-term competitive advantage of organization would be its ability to learn faster than its competitors. Learning organizations are characterized by total employee involvement in a process of collaboratively conducted, collectively accountable change directed towards shared values or principles. This would lead to improved internal communication, greater employee motivation, higher levels of customer satisfaction, besides fostering innovation, enhancing mutual respect and improved social interaction.


In these times of ever increasing competition, shifting customer loyalties, changing market trends and increasing employee expectation, relentless change has emerged as the only constant. Organizations are constantly working on sustaining their competitive advantage. And in times to come, the only long-term competitive advantage of an organization would be its ability to learn faster than its competitors.

Learning forms an important aspect of organizational existence in today's competitive world. It serves as the basis for development and performance of organizations. The survival and success of an organization depends on its ability to constantly learn, adapt and respond to the changing environment comprising technology, customers, market, suppliers, political and economic structures, and legalities. This increased emphasis on learning organization is because of increased dynamics of business environment.

The concept of learning organization is becoming an increasingly acceptable philosophy in all performance-driven organizations world over, from small to the largest organizations, from domestic to the biggest multinationals. Learning organizations are those organizations in which people at all levels, individuals and teams, are continually increasing their capacity to produce and achieve results they care about. Learning organization is an organization with an ingrained philosophy for anticipating, reacting and responding to change, complexity and uncertainty.


Global CEO Magazine, Learning Organization, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Business Environment, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Information Systems, Organizational Learning, Mental Models, Organization Philosophy, Environmental Suprasystem.