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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Emo-rational Appeal in Advertising

Advertising is a major and essential marketing tool for all the products and brands. As the number of brands and products have increased in the entire product category, it is difficult to persuade the customers or entice them towards the products. In such a competitive world, companies need something other than tangibles to increase curiosity in the customers and change their behavior. This article will give the emo-rational appeal in advertising. It means that emotional aspect comes first in the advertising appeal compared to the rational aspect in luring the customers. It also depends on the target audience and product type.


Earlier in advertisements, only the product was shown to the customers in order to increase the sales of the company. There was study on the customer's lifestyle, their consumption pattern, taste and preference, age, income or education. Brand ambassadors were not used and no animations were used. Even in the advertisements, there was no use of emotions. In the present scenario, the entire market and customers have change. There is a complete transformation in the society. Customers are knowledgeable, their standard of living has increased, and their consumption pattern and lifestyle has changed. As competition has increased, companies have started understanding the psychology of the customers, their emotions, their feelings and sentiments to get success in the market. In advertising, emotional aspect is very important as compared to the rational aspect.

Advertising is all about persuading and changing the attitude and behavior of a person in favor of the product. If positive emotions are being used in the advertising, they can persuade the customers to buy a particular product. Emotions, which are used in the advertisement, should be able to associate it with the brand to have a higher impact on the customer's psyche. Emotional advertisements have impact on the memory of the customers.

Commercials, which use emotional appeal, are able to generate positive vibes among the customers. These appeals can also influence the usage of the products. When emotional appeal is used in advertising a product, it is easier for the consumer to relate to the product. Moreover, such an appeal breaks the monotony of commercials and creates excitement and curiosity among the viewers.There are different types of emotional appeals. They are positive emotions like humor, love, joy and pride and there are negative emotions which are fear, guilt and shame. Sex appeal can also be used in the advertisements. It can be positive or negative. It should be used as per the society and culture of the target audience. It attracts the attention of youngsters very easily as it is related to the opposite sex and is more explicit. For example, Axe deodorant uses sex appeal in their television advertisement. While using this appeal one important parameter is to be considered that it should not be obscene or offensive.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advertising, Brand Ambassadors, Television Advertisement, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Tourism Advertising, Singapore Tourism, McDonald's, Rational Appeals, Global Advertising Agencies.