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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Hey Marketer, Give Me a Reason to Talk and Let Me Talk About Your Stuff

Buzz marketing is all about sharing the information, touch, novelty, experiences and connecting the voice of the customer with the marketers' mainstream communications. The exercise of connecting or buzz involves initiating a conversation with certain individuals in the network, which the marketer is trying to influence.


In the recent past, we have seen Bollywood harnessing the power of `buzz'. A lot of hype is created about a movie, especially its special features, and this is covered by almost all the lifestyle channels like Zoom, Zee Trendz, NDTV Good Times, etc., and glossy magazines and page 3 of most popular dailies. Further, the music release is converted into a mega event, that gives people a reason to talk about the movie before its release. Some of the teasers and the interviews of the film are telecast on TV channels, which further add some spice. An example of this is the recently-launched movie Om Shanti Om (OSO). The marketer cleverly used the platform of the Zee TV channel program "sa re ga ma pa" and the cricket match to create the excellent buzz, giving the people to talk about the star cast and the movie—reaching millions of people through the Word of Mouth (WOM). Some health magazine writing about the film hero's physical attributes also added to the buzz.

The key here is doing all the activities proven to result in a buzz, making people to talk about the product, service or the idea. The idea is to create the market and mentally prepare the customers to accept the product even before it hits the market shelves. The trick is using the existing social network and the communication channels of the customers to spread the buzz.Typically, the marketing process follows some steps, beginning from conceiving and creating value, communicating the value and delivering the value. Products and brands are created, advertised, distributed and the customers buy the same. Researches show that in most cases customers do not come to know about a product or service from advertising or any other form of communication, but from their friends and relatives. This makes it imperative for a marketer to think about the buzz. Though, some of the marketers have learnt the art of creating buzz very well, some of them are not aware about the criticality of the buzz factor in marketing. The biggest misconception about the power of the buzz in the mind of the customers is that buzz is only for specific hype of products.

Over the last several decades, researchers, academicians and marketers have accepted the fact that marketing is a social process involving the society. Buzz marketing is just capitalizing on the social process and the basic need of a human being; i.e., communicaton. People love to communicate and talk. Buzz uses this basic human behavior and gives people a reason to talk and spread the message through WOM. Buzz marketing requires strategies, tools, techniques, communication channels and media for outstanding results. Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) defines WOM as, "The art and science of building active, mutually-beneficial consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer communications." Andy Sernovitz A, author of 5 Ts of Word of Mouth Marketing defined it in simple terms: "Giving people a reason to talk about your stuff and making it easier for that conversation to take place". Further, Andy explained it in very simple terms, "It is everything a marketer can do to get people talking."


Advertising Express Magazine, Buzz Marketing, Communication Channels, Zee Trendz, NDTV Good Times, Word of Mouth Marketing Association , WOMMA, Marketing Strategies, Marketing Communication, US Economy, Online Marketing, Marketing Process.