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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Online Advertising : A Recent Phenomenon

The Internet is the best bet if marketers have to address young consumers. It is also a cost-effective way of reaching their target audience. The additional benefit of tracking the effectiveness and response to online advertising adds value to the tool. However, the future of online advertising depends on the product category, the target audience and the degree of innovation an advertiser is prepared to experiment with in the media.


The successful promotion of a product requires a positive message to be received by the potential customers. For many products, advertising is the most popular means of conveying that positive message. Advertising is not a new concept (about 3,000 years ago, in the ancient Greek city, Thebes, an advertisement was written on papyrus plant calling for information regarding a runaway slave; this was not necessarily the first advertisement, but merely one of the first examples which has survived), it is certainly a very innovative one. The biggest challenge before the marketer today is `value for money' while purchasing communication media. While he is perhaps not as spoilt for choice while shopping for media as is a buyer of soap, there certainly are a plethora of options. There is print media which includes newspapers, tabloids, magazines, mailers, circulars, etc.; there is outdoor media, which includes hoardings, kiosks, glow signs, transport, etc.; there is electronic media including television, e-mails, mobiles, etc.; there is radio too and the list need not be exhaustive. And for the last several years, online advertising is a significant addition to the list.

Online advertising is also known as `Web advertising', Internet advertising and e-advertising. In a very simple sense, online advertising can be defined as, "The use of electronic communication resources (especially, Internet and its enabled technologies) to engage in the activities of advertising".

It is interesting to examine the growth of this new communication platform. The Internet has provided a revolutionary way for the business to communicate and interact with customers. From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, everyone is engaged in creating their presence in cyberspace with their own `Home Pages' on the World Wide Web (www). The reason is not far to seek. The number of Internet users around the world is constantly growing. The computer industry almanac has reported that by the year 2005, 118 people per 1,000 around the world will have Internet access. Online advertising has therefore become a part of media mix that is being considered by advertisers worldwide.


Advertising Express Magazine, Online Advertising, Electronic Communication, Computer Industry, Indian Online Association, India Online Advertising Market, Television Advertising, E-advertising, Advertising Strategies, Online Marketing.