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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Snapshots from Financial Services Advertisements

The financial products market is typically overcrowded and ambiguous to an extent. There is a major overlap of various products and hence, it is difficult to identify the boundaries of product offerings. This article analyzes the advertisements of various financial products and discusses the issues that emerge from the advertisements as characteristics of this industry.


The financial services industry is at its best at the moment in India. There are numerous types of services ranging from home loans to credit cards in the market. The industry is witnessing vibrant activity like never before. Since 2001, when the insurance industry was privatized, various new services have filled the market gaps. Before privatization in the insurance industry, there was only a single player i.e., the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) in the market. Therefore, the volume and frequency of advertisements were low.

The post-liberalization era has brought in certain striking transformations in the financial market. The investment avenues have grown manifold. The country is emerging as a nation of investors from being a nation of savers. Numerous loan products have also filled the market gaps. In India, loans were not solicited much in the past. But the scenario has changed radically since the financial markets started expanding their horizons. New needs of the customers, new avenues of financing and investing have evolved. The customer has become more aggressive and demanding as far as financial products/services are concerned.

This scenario has led to a rise in volume and frequency of advertising for financial products. Innovative ways of advertising messages have emerged over time. Advertisements also reflect the profile of the consumer and his expectations from the financial markets.


Advertising Express Magazine, Financial Services Advertisements, Financial Products Market, Financial Services Industry, Insurance Industry, Life Insurance Corporation of India, LIC, Electronic Banking, Banking Industry, State Bank of India , SBI, Marketing Strategies.