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The Advertising Express Magazine:
Sports and Branding

We have seen, branding in sports is phenomenal, do it right and you have created niche for yourself for the years to come.


The consumer has changed; he is unique in his demands. Added to that is the short attention span which is spelling disaster for the brands, that invest huge chunks of money in publicizing their products via various forms of media. In a media world, where there is a cut-throat competition among various brands for maximum attention span of the consumers, the former are increasingly contriving newer ways and means to approach the targer consumers. Martin Sorrell, CEO of Wire & Plastic Products Group had ordered WPP to move away from traditional media of advertising, ensuring that 45-50% of all advertising revenue should henceforth come in from non-traditional advertising. Sorrell's buzzword was experiential marketing.

In other words, "looks out for ways in which your brand can engage with consumers and create a brand experience with the consumer and that's not something that happens in an 80-sec ad or a 30-sec TV commercial anymore", says, Anirban Das Blah, Vice-President, Global Sport India Pvt. Ltd. The brand managers have come to realize that, the surest short way to grab the consumer's attention is by creating experiences for the consumer through entertainment. Especially, since outside a person's work space and family space one is not prepared to engage with anyone until and unless he or she is entertained. Mahesh Ranka, GM of Relay Worldwide said, "You look at entertainment as a platform to reach out to customers and sports happens to be the biggest entertainment platform in the world".

Sports has, over the past couple of years, emerged as complete entertainment platform competing against other forms, such as cinema and music. "Sports is the only medium that is all inclusive, in the sense that you can have a sporting event and also get coverage on television, print, on radio, Internet, mobile, etc.; you can create a communication point, unlike other mediums", says Mahesh Ranka. Moreover, sports also connect with people at a far more real and emotional level than a film or music performance can. "It is the audiences that the brands seek and sports often deliver to audiences which are difficult or expensive to target otherwise", says, Prashant Singh, Business Head of Ogilvy Sport and O&M. Beyond this, sports audiences have an extraordinary involvement and loyalty to the player or team that they support and that makes the cost of getting a message across to the consumer so much cheaper. If you are a tigerwoods fan, you would not be seen with Adidas, rather you would only wear Nike, products. A Liverpool fan would only drink Carlsberg beer and so on".


Advertising Express Magazine, Sports and Branding, Martin Sorrell, Wire & Plastic Products, Media Advertising, Anirban Das Blah, Global Sport India Pvt. Limited, Global Money Transfer Services, Premier Hockey League, PHL, Union of European Football Associations, UEFA, Sports Mrketing.