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Global CEO Magazine:
Implementing sustainable turnarounds

Aggressive cost reduction may save a distressed firm in the short run, but does not ensure sustainability. A careful analysis of the cause of trouble and formulation of strategies accordingly, make it a success in the long run. Financial burden may only be the symptom while the reason may remain hidden in the internal system.


Organizational turnaround, a term frequently used to describe the comeback approaches by companies, generally indicates the collective result of the strategies adopted to revive a company from severe and immediate crises. The story may begin from a dwindling market share due to products at the declining stage, intense competition from increasing number of market entrants, an inflection point for a company or internal HR issues affecting the productivity. Ultimately, all reflect a common picture of decreasing revenue and heavy financial burden. Stagnation, declining market share and a sharp drop in stock prices are all they end up with.

When companies face continuous losses and declining revenues, the necessity of cost reduction surfaces as the immediate requirement for almost all the distressed firms. CEOs start the activities of cost reduction as a desperate effort. Retrenchment takes place, people lose jobs, non-core businesses or the loss-making units are sold out, even pay packages are cut down. However, in this process of aggressive cost-cutting with an aim to turnaround swiftly, firms often overlook the need for evaluating other internal and external alternatives, which are equally important for long-term success and sustainability of the organizations.

The crisis an organization is going through may have its cause deep rooted in the HR policies, in the products or services, in the marketing strategies and promotional activities or even in the resource allocation process of the company. A sincere effort in identifying the exact cause has proved its worth, time and again in avoiding future losses and similar issues that lead to failure. Successful execution of short-term turnaround plans is essential to attain immediate recovery. In addition, building a winning culture, boosting the morale of the employees, developing leadership, revising the marketing plan, repositioning its products or refocusing on a new market or segment, are worth considering as long-term strategic tools to ensure sustainability.


Global CEO Magazine, Implementing Sustainable Turnarounds, Marketing Strategies, Organization Crisis, HR Policies, Fuel Economy, Acquisitions, Financial Crisis, Corporate Strategies, Earning Before Interest and Tax, EBIT, Research and Development, R&D.