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HRM Review Magazine:
Knowledge Management : A Tool for Organizational Effectiveness

In today's competitive business environment Knowledge Management (KM) plays a pivotal role in tackling the challenging situations that arise due to various uncertain events. At the moment KM is emerging as the most important function of Human Resource Department in every organization. From HR perspective the definition of KM is the process by which the organization generates wealth from its intellectual or knowledge-based assets. HRD has a key responsibility in strengthening and nurturing KM through cultural change initiatives, learning initiatives and employees' competency development. KM helps in organizing visible knowledge sharing events and by establishing all necessary monitoring systems.


Once in every 200 years total paradigm shift takes place in the world. Currently, a paradigm shift is taking place from the industrial society to the knowledge society. Now the modern economy is referred to as a knowledge economy and the man in the modern business world is in continuous search of wealth through knowledge. In today's competitive business environment Knowledge Management (KM) plays a pivotal role to tackle challenging situations that arise due to various uncertain events. KM is about survival in today's competitive business world. At the moment KM is emerging as the most important function of Human Resource department in every organization. HR department has a crucial role to play in involving each individual in KM movement as a key competency because talent management and KM are closely interrelated.

Talent management focuses on individual level like recruitment, selection, induction/ training, individual skills and competencies development and career planning but `knowledge management' will have focus on collective level as how to influence the collective knowledge of the enterprise through mentoring, collaborative team work and knowledge sharing. To strengthen KM activities in organization HR department needs to introduce a system of rewards and recognition because "people do not do what you tell them, but they do what you measure them for". To inculcate learning skills and enthusiasm among the employees, leaders have to reinforce their emphasis on training and performance development to share and documenting knowledge and reuse of others ideas for achieving organizational goals.

Knowledge management can be discussed in general as the ability to create, communicate, and apply the knowledge to achieve organizational (business) goals. From the HR perspective the definition of KM is the process by which the organization generates wealth from its intellectual or knowledge-based assets (Butowitz and Ruth, 2000). It explains that `people' must be the key resource of KM (Civic, 2000: Gooijer, 2000; Soliman and Spooner, 2000). According to Garavan, 2000 and Armstrong, 2000—building knowledge base and learning organization is the routine task of HRD. KM is to understand the things through practice of `know-how', i.e., through gathering of facts, rules and different procedures. KM is to be found differently in different places and it is a systematic leveraging of information and expertise. In the US, KM process application is aggressive in Information Technology sector than other sectors. In Europe the KM process is managing intellectual capital in all knowledge organizations and in Japan it is used for developing knowledge workers.


HRM Review Magazine, Knowledge Management, Glibal Gusiness Environment, Human Resource Department, Organizational Goals, Information Technology Sector, Organizational Leadership, Organizational Business Strategy, operational strategy, Intellectual Asset Management, Information Management.