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HRM Review Magazine:
Of Views, Thoughts and Perceptions on Disability : The Challenged Human Resource

The article puts forth the issues related to employment of persons with disability. It depicts the present situation and the future perspective to get a glimpse of why the human resource from this segment of the population still needs to be used and tapped by providing ample opportunity.


Everyone of us reads, thinks, feels and then forgets most of the times. The same is applicable also to the persons with different abilities. Take the case of Sachin, an youngster with disability. He just could overcome his disability with his brains and could perform very well in academics. Then, there was the task of finding a suitable job which could match his academic credentials. Every time the words "we will get back to you" made him feel more disabled than the disability. The opinions s formed just by distorted face, eyes, lisping and other deformities are just not justified. The very fact that Sachin could make it to the interview because of his credentials is a point to prove.

When the job demands intellectual abilities to perform, which Sachin is capable of, the physical restrictions imposed by disability can be mitigated by making suitable modifications in his work environment. So, the question is how long can we go about like this? Can the corporate outlook be changed in this regard? The very fact that there is no dearth of human resources is irrefutable but the right human resource for the right job is always at stake because often the perceptions and impressions influence the decisions. In lieu of this, are human resources of the disabled challenged? Let us see the facts and figures related to the employment of persons with disabilities to get a glimpse of "opportunities denied due to disability".

The disabled people constitute a significant 5-6% of the population of India, which is about approximately 70 million people. Only 0.1 million are employed in industries till now. A survey was conducted by National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) in India, in 1999 among the top 100 companies to study the employment practices vis-à-vis disabled people. It was found that most companies did not employ disabled persons. Some interesting facts that were revealed included that the average employment rate of disabled people in the private sector was only 0.28%, while the public sector showed an employment rate of 0.54%. The figure in multinational companies in the country was a mere 0.05%. Of the 100 companies to which the questions were sent, only 70 responded. The total number of employees in these companies was 7,96,363 of which 3,160 were disabled persons, including the visually impaired—9.87%, those suffering from loco-motor impairment—70.57%, speech and hearing impaired—8.26%, the mentally retarded—0.66%, those with other disabilities—1.87%, comprising 0.4% of the employees. People with loco-motor disability were the most commonly employed.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resource, National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, NCPEDP, Multinational Companies, HR Policies, Corporate Change, National Human Rights Commission, Private Sectors, Disabilities Acts, Vocational Training Programmes, Human Resource, International Federation of Alternative Trading, IFAT, Labor Market, National Human Rights Commission,