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MBA Review Magazine:
Mass Career Customization

The book is a wake-up call for corporate executives. It is centered on an insight that today's career is no longer a straight climb up the corporate ladder, but rather a combination of climbs, lateral moves and planned descents. As the corporate ladder is giving way to the corporate lattice, the book provides a refreshing approach to attracting talent while tracing well-balanced career journeys.


It is a well known fact that today a career is no longer a straight climb up the ladder but a rising and falling journey of climbs at all levels to move up, side ways and even down. However, lifetime-employment is not a relevant concept in today's world where, changing job every now and then has become a common practice among professional for better package and greater exposure, though far-reaching changes in attitudes and family structures have been redefining the workforce for more than two decades yet the workplace has remained much the same. This book is centered on the powerful insight that career options in today's economy need to accommodate the rising and falling phases of employee engagement as it changes over time. The authors describe a new model and vision for career progression that is likely to transform organizations.

It is a concept that can benefit the individuals who need a new lens for seeing their careers over a lifetime. It can also help organizations in their ability to attract, retain and develop talent. This book presents a new method of managing the numerous preferences and career paths that employees desire. As new professions and careers have been emerging most organizations are preserving traditional structural pathways and there is no change in the workplace as today's corporates are mostly affected by the converging social forces like ageing workforce, more women in employment, changing family structures, more men experiencing work life conflicts and a new generation of workers intent on career variety and achieving personal goals.

Flexible work arrangements are used only to retain valued employees. These efforts, argue the authors of this new book, turn out to have been no more than sticking-plaster solutions to fundamental cracks in the traditional career model. Flexible work arrangements are only for short-term rather than long-term solutions to employees' changing priorities throughout their careers. Then the authors try to explain the realities of today's non-traditional workforce and also to realign the workplace by adopting the framework of mass career customization (MCC).


MBA Review Magazine, Mass Career Customization, MCC, Corporate Ladder, Career Models, Career-Ladder Systems, knowledge Management, Corporate Lattice, Corporate HR System, Career Progression.