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MBA Review Magazine:
Career Decisions : What It Takes?

Choose a career that is a sure shot passport to success and work hard towards achieving your goals.


After passing out of 10th standard, the students in India are confronted with what kind of stream—commerce, science, arts or computers—to opt for in the undergraduate level. At the age of around 15 years itself students start thinking about which stream to follow. At this stage, they may not be able to decide properly, hence, they leave it to their parents to choose their careers. The parents look at the pulse of the market and the present potential and trend in the job scenario and advise their children to opt for a particular stream. This is the way career choice is made indirectly in the initial stage in India.

It is necessary to look at the aptitude, attitude, abilities and awareness of the child before the choice is made. Only after weighing his past and present performance thoroughly, the choice should be offered and the child should be counseled accordingly. If this happens, then the child takes interest automatically without any external initiative from parents.

Usually, the students go in for conventional careers where the risk is minimal. Conventional career means not swimming against the current, but going with the stream and trend. For instance, the trend is towards engineering, medicine and management professions these days. It is mostly because of availability of plenty of jobs. Both the students and parents want to play safe by opting for the `hot cake' section, whereas in unconventional careers the risk is higher and prospects are not clear such as the fashion designing and entertainment industries. These are the roads less traveled where there will be high risks and high returns and one has to swim against the current. According to American Author, Dale Carnegie there are six types of fears human beings face such as fear of criticism, fear of old age, fear of poverty, fear of ill-health, fear of death and fear of failure. It is basically the fear of failure, which is the root cause for not opting for unconventional careers.


MBA Review Magazine, Career Decisions, Engineering, Medicine, Management, Fashion Designing Courses, Entertainment industries, Dale Carnegie, Strategic Decision-Making, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A, Career Strategy, Professional Courses, Career Decision Making Process.