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MBA Review Magazine:
Career Management : Emerging Perspectives

The days are gone when promotions were time-bound. Also, there are no more secure jobs easily available in the public sector nowadays. The era of performance has dawned. These days, achievers are identified and rewarded immediately. In comparison to yesteryears, developing the required skills and maintaining a dynamic career path have become more prominent for contemporary managers. Career management includes past analysis, measuring capacities and capabilities in the present context, exploring career options, administering self-development and achieving the desired career heights.


Career management is drawing attention these days as newer career avenues are cropping up. Looking at the frequent and unexpected changes in the economic and industrial scenario, it is becoming really necessary for an individual to plan for a good career. The private sector has affected people's career path in many ways. Performance has become a dominant factor in the appraisal mechanism. Availability of numerous career options leading to different career destinations through unusual career paths, emergence of Internet and virtual offices, introduction of newer qualifications and careers without proven track records, all such factors have made career management unavoidable.

Career is a sequence of positions held by a person during the course of his working lifetime. Career is a chain of job-related activities. A career denotes a succession of related jobs, arranged in a hierarchy of prestige, through which individuals move in an orderly and predictable sequence. It denotes upward movement and progression in professional life and is the summation of all the jobs performed by a person during his working life. It represents an organized path taken by an individual across his professional lifetime. Achievement of career goals provides a feeling of personal accomplishment and fulfillment. A career is more than the jobs or the sequence of jobs an individual holds over his lifetime. It is an individually perceived sequence of attitudes and behaviors associated with work-related experiences and activities throughout an individual's life.


MBA Review Magazine, Career Management, Career Stages, Leadership Qualities, knowledge Management, Organization Change, Employees Appraisal Mechanism, Career Management Process, Human Resource Mangement, Career Planings.