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MBA Review Magazine:
Career Planning and Management

This article speaks about Career Planning and Management (CPM) from both the individual and institutional perspectives. The concept of SWOT analysis is utilized to pave the way for the right career. Repercussions such as stress and burn-out will occur if CPM is not handled properly. Various tools and techniques are also dealt with at length in order to make CPM effective and efficient.


Because of the growing attrition rate there is greater focus on CPM by all companies. The companies find it difficult to hire the employees as there is no skills set match at the recruitment stage. This is one side of the coin; the other side is of retaining the employees, besides poaching them from rival companies. Likewise, problems are getting manifold at the corporate level. The companies are conducting regular workshops, seminars and training sessions in order to upgrade the skills and abilities of their employees in enhancing efficiency and efficacy. Growing competition and rapid changes in technology are also compelling the corporates to train and groom their employees regularly.

The Human Resources Department (HRD) that basically involves the employees from recruitment to retirement is gradually reinventing its role by focussing more on the development of professionals apart from their traditional role. The roles and responsibilities of HRD are getting expanded with the fast changing business environment. Liberalization, privatization and globalization have opened up the Indian economy. As a result, MNCs have come and competed with the Indian companies. Initially, Indian companies were worried with the onslaught of the MNCs, but gradually Indian entrepreneurs realized that there was no way out of it and began competing. Although there were many initial hiccups, things have gradually settled and the hidden potential of Indian business has come out. Now, we find Indian MNCs across the world, which is a positive and victorious sign. All these contributed to the specialization of each area and line of professional activities. There is growing professionalism in each and every area of business. So is the case with each and every department of every institution. HRD began concentrating and expanding the roles and responsibilities related to career planning and management of its precious human resources to make it effective and efficient to check rising attrition.

Acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, it is an effective tool either to evaluate career prospects or to solve day-to-day problems. It is widely used in all spheres of personal and professional life, be it for individuals or for institutions. An individual SWOT analysis goes something like this: The person who passes out of his college and intends to search for the right placement should evaluate his strengths, such as academic qualifications, achievements, and research papers, if any. Academically, he should analyze his aptitude, attitude, tastes and temperaments and should list out his distinctions, if any (e.g., class first, gold medal, etc.). He should identify his strengths and capitalize on them. Coming to the weaknesses, he should analyze the subjects or areas where he is weak and see if he can convert them into strengths.


MBA Review Magazine, Career Planning, Career Management, Human Resources Department, HRD, Business Environment, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, LPG, Indian Economy, Stress Management, Multinational corporations, MNCs, Gross Domestic Products, GDP.