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MBA Review Magazine:
Career Planning and Implementation : A Jigsaw Puzzle

Decisions made in haste are decisions made in waste and career moves are no exception. So, better make those career moves carefully. Learning, unlearning and relearning are the keys to success for any professional as employers prefer the proverbial jacks of all trades rather than masters of one.


Planning a career today, no doubt, seems to be easier with a plethora of options to choose from; however, it has become nothing short of solving a jigsaw puzzle. An advocate would like his ward to follow his footsteps; a parent who aspired to be a doctor but failed owing to some reason or the other would like to see his/her ward fulfill those dreams; or an ambitious parent-relative duo willing to see their near and dear ones opt for glamorous careers in management, fashion and many other such fields. In the process, it becomes that much more difficult for the actual aspirant to zero in on his most preferred option. Added to all this, the knowledge explosion through the electronic and print media, hosts of career counselors setting up shop in every nook and corner of the country or adopting the virtual mode of rendering their services, and the job of stepping into the right option is even more cumbersome for the aspirant.

Madan joined the MBBS program against his personal wishes, only to fulfill his father's aspiration to follow the same profession. But somehow after completing his degree he decided to pursue his passion; that of running a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) for the welfare of the downtrodden. He now realizes his shortcomings in managing a not-for-profit organization and has therefore enrolled for a correspondence course in MBA. Atul, like his fellow mates, completed his MBA with much fanfare and once into the corporate environment realized he would be better off if he took up full time management teaching, as he always liked training and teaching. It was high profile; fat pay packet with associated offers thrown in by the industry, which compelled him to go in for MBA and not ME or M. Tech after completing his bachelors in engineering.


MBA Review Magazine, Career Planning, Non-Governmental Organization, NGO, Corporate Environment, Decision-Making Process, Globalization, Information Technology, Business Administration, Human Resource, HR, Corporate Goals.