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MBA Review Magazine:
Management Consultancy : Career Opportunities

Most MBAs today are likely to work for leading management consultancy firms instead of banking, insurance, retail and manufacturing sectors. The job in a consultancy firm is very glamorous and involves smart analytical skills and global posting. Consultancy is fiercely competitive and involves traveling, dealing with clients and large salaries. This article focuses on the challenges and pathways to join a consultancy firm.


Planning a career is the most difficult task. It demands systematic planning and execution. Once a decision is taken, it rules most of our life. However, lifetime-employment is not a relevant concept in today's world where job hopping has become a common practice for professionals for better package and greater exposure. Management consulting has become a most sought-after career for many MBAs from premium institutions as it offers a fat pay cheque and global posting. Let's find out the requisite skills and pathways to join this industry!

A management consulting firm functions by helping the client obtain information and advice on a problem, resulting in a solution. Consultancies advise organizations as well as the government on strategic, operational and organizational issues. Therefore, a consultant needs to be creative with high analytical and conceptual skills. Great consultants are the ones who can keep their cool even in difficult and adverse situations, and sense changes.

The consulting business is growing at a high speed. This is because of today's complex nature of business, new global competition and breakthrough technological development. It is large and mainly concentrates on technology planning, strategic services and enterprises consulting. But today consulting business also includes specific knowledge in areas like multimedia, warehousing, supply chain management, client-server development, sales force automation, value management, knowledge management, etc. Other area, which is on high demand, is `relationship consulting' and healthcare payment and delivery systems. The one USP about consulting is that it is recession-proof. When the market/economy faces recession companies/government will look for consultants, which means a career in consulting business is very much stable. Few global consulting firms doing extremely well and recruiting MBAs are AT&T, McKinsey, Mercer, Booz & Allen, Coopers & Lybrand, Boston Consulting Group.


MBA Review Magazine , Management Consultancy, Career planning, Consulting Business, Strategic Services, Knowledge Management, Value Management, Global Consulting Firms, Supply Chain Management, Good Communication Skills, McKinsey, Business Analysts.