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Marketing MasterMind Magazine:
Brand with a Cause

With the rapid proliferation of brands in every product category, brands are becoming a commodity. The scope for differentiation has vastly diminished. Marketers are hard-pressed to raise their brands above the clutter. One such tool, which helps in creating a distinct position for a brand in the minds of consumers, is "cause- related branding." No doubt all brands have to work for a cause, in the sense that they should provide a discernible solution to consumers, in order to find market acceptance. As an add on, brands can also associate themselves with a social cause that is in harmony with the core objectives and image of the brand so as to provide additional synergy to the marketing efforts. This will go a long way in meeting social obligations and commitments towards the society and at the same time building the brand's image.


What does a brand do after all? It provides solution to a consumer's problem. When a brand finds an effective solution to a problem, the consumer becomes a customer of the brand and this in turn enhances the brand's equity. What does a young woman actually buy when she purchases a face cream? She only buys hope, i.e., the hope of good looks! Outwardly, the product may be in any form (cream, gel or liquid) or color, but at its core, it seeks to provide solution to customer's problem. To put things in perspective, a brand cannot survive in the market unless it works for a cause. Therefore, `"cause related branding" is gaining ground of late, because of its competitive advantage.

Cause-related Branding (CRB) may not only position a brand as a solution provider, but also project it in the framework of "social marketing", as one which plays a role in the betterment of society. A brand is ultimately an image or perception that exists in the minds of consumers. A brand thrives in the market by virtue of its ability to solve customers' problems; of course in a cost-effective manner. The Apple PC stands out as a good example of what a brand should be like. Until Apple came on the scene, computer was seen as something that would be used mainly for business purposes and not by ordinary people.

Apple's user-friendliness, as its USP, changed the face of the computer market and led to tremendous growth in the market for PCs. Subsequently, the desktop revolution paved the way further to the next level of lap top and palm top computers. Thus, the computer industry owes a significant part of its growth and development to Apple for reaching the common man that neither the mainframe innovator IBM or the mini-mainframe developer Digital thought of. This is a paradigm shift because both IBM and Digital used the computer in the B2B market, while Apple changed it to B2C. Thus Apple as a brand achieved strong brand popularity in the US as it made a defining impact on the society.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Brand with a Cause, Cause-related Branding, CRB, Business to Business Marketing, B2B Market, Business to Consumer, B2C, Agricultural Economy, Iindustrial Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility , CSR, Social Marketing.