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Marketing MasterMind Magazine:
Customer Response to ATM Services of Selected Banks : Report of a Survey Conducted in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh

Commercial banks in India are rapidly increasing their reach and enhancing their service levels through the extensive use of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). ATMs have now become quite common and have made inroads even into India's smaller cities and towns. This report of a survey of ATM customers conducted in Warangal throws considerable light on the customer satisfaction level, the problems faced and possible solutions, which will, in a broad sense, be applicable to the whole of India.


Bankers have begun providing various types of services be sides performing the basic banking functions, i.e., accepting deposits and lending money. The range of services rendered by commercial banks in our country can be broadly classified as traditional services and innovative services. The traditional services include providing different types of deposit accounts, grant of advances, collection of cheques/drafts/bills of exchange, provision for remittance facilities by issue of drafts/mail transfers, provision for safe deposit lockers, purchase and sale of securities, etc.

The innovative services offered by the banks include services such as certificate of deposit, daily savings, minor savings, monthly income and retirement schemes, farmers deposit, insurance linked savings bank, smart money, housing deposit, automatic extension deposit, personal loan, loan participation schemes, credit card, travelers cheque, gift cheque, lock box and night safe service, services after regular banking hours, phone banking, ATM services and the like. ATM has been playing a vital role in enhancing the service level of commercial banks. It has simplified the work of both the banker and the customer, and almost all the banks are concentrating on providing competitive ATM services to their customers. Internationally, the first ATM was installed on June 27, 1974 by Barclays Bank, London.

The invention of ATM by John Shepherd-Baron has helped the banks provide high quality and timely service to their customers. The availability of online technology has helped the banks to further simplify their task of providing efficient ATM services. Currently, there are about 16 lakh ATMs throughout the world.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Customer Response to ATM Services, Automated Teller Machines, ATMs, online Banking, ATM centers, Iinternational Transaction System, Customer Relationship Management, State Bank of India , SBI, State Bank of Hyderabad, SBH, ICICI Bank, Development Credit Bank, DCB, Andhra Bank, Corporation Bank.