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Marketing MasterMind Magazine:
Quality-of-Life Marketing

Marketers are responsible to a variety of groups. Certainly their customers depend on them to get their needs satisfied. Also, their employers expect them to generate sales and profits, suppliers and distributors look to them for their continued business, and society expects them to be responsible citizens. The frequently divergent interests of these groups create a wide variety of ethical challenges for marketers. Various methods are in practice to test ethical responsiveness of marketers. Quality-of-Life (QOL) marketing is one of the practices to enforce ethics in marketing. This article discusses various aspects of QOL marketing.


Quality-of-life (QOL)marketing seeks to resolve the conflict by guiding marketers to seek the best interests of consumers and other publics without damaging the organization's financial health, restricting its growth, or otherwise harming its stakeholders. This helps marketers analyze the impact of marketing actions on consumers and on organizational objectives so that they can make better judgments about the overall effectiveness of those strategies.

American Marketing Association opines, "Ethical marketing alone is good marketing and it results in developing a long-term relationship with the customers. Successful business depends upon customers' loyalty and the business house also has to meet the requirements of the interested parties like customers, employees, suppliers, banking institutions, public, etc. The relation between business ethics and social responsibility is that, the former is reactive and the latter is proactive."Marketers need to design strategies, which ultimately benefit the society and humanity in the long run. If a product delivers the right value to the customer, it will be sold like hot cakes in the target segment. For achieving profits, marketers need not resort to any unfair practices. Apart from delivering right value, marketers must set the right price and move the product through proper distribution channels. Marketers should not promote extensively, any product which is harmful to human beings and society, such as tobacco, liquor, etc.

In India, we have a number of companies, which are really concerned about the societal well-being and are conforming to the principles of QOL marketing. Companies like Sundram Fasteners, TVS Motors, Rane TRW Steering Systems and Rane Engine Valves are a few examples, which have achieved the highest distinction in quality, i.e., the Deming Prize. This definitely proves their commitment to quality, customers, society and humanity at large. Today's market is completely different from that of the yesteryears. Now, consumers are much more educated and have easy access to information and are widely protected by the laws such as MRTP, Weights and Measures Act, etc. In such a context, unethical practices like switch and bait, not only brings shame to the companies and country, but also result in the company completely getting wiped out from the market. It is advisable to adhere to standards like the ISO 14000, ISO 9001-2000 which helps maintaining quality standards and level of social responsibility and environmental friendliness. Quality audit, safety audit and social audit are being insisted in all progressive countries to ensure that the companies comply with the minimum statutory requirements.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Quality-of-Life Marketing, American Marketing Association, AMA, Quality audit, Market Communication, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Customer Relationship Management, Market Segmentation.