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Advertising Express Magazine:
Advertising : Advertising for `Indians'

Marketing managers need to ensure that their advertisements cut through the clutter and make an impact on the target segment. The manner in which advertising needs to be managed while targeting Indians has been illustrated in this article by focusing on themes like Indian values, interests, mindsets, etc. A number of examples have been used to explain the concepts presented in the article. At the end of the article, a framework for brand building has been included for ready reference.


A large number of brands belonging to Indian and foreign companies have been targeting the Indian consumers through advertisements that appeal to Indians especially. When it comes to brand building for Indian customers, marketing managers have realized that the rules that work in European and the US markets do not help much in the Indian market. In fact, many iconic brands have attempted to make use of the same ads that they showed to their customers in the western markets, but did not enjoy much success with this strategy. Brands like Coca-Cola, Garnier, etc. have realized the need for adapting their advertisements to suit `Indian' customers. A quick analysis of the Indian market will show that brands like Raymond, Surf, Bajaj, Dabur Chawanprash have become household names. What does it take to build an iconic brand in the Indian market? This article presents some useful points.


Advertising Express Magazine, Marketing Managers, Indian Consumers, Indian Market, FMCG Companies, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG Industries, ICICI Bank, Advertising Brands, Coca-Cola, Garnier, Parachute, Fair & Lovely, Colgate, Hindustan Unilever Limited.