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Advertising Express Magazine:
Brand Management in Recession Economy : A Critical Issue to be Answered

Oh! Recession, recession, recession…..! It keeps on buzzing in today's market. It comes as a storm and creates a lot of tension to many businessmen. When recession hits the economy, there will be fewer new customers for businesses and the existing customers may close their wallets and control their expenses. This article throws light on the effects of a good brand for the success of the business during financial turmoil.


In the economic crisis, there have been various downturns faced by the companies through which valuable lessons have been learnt by the organizations for sustaining in future recession. During a recession period, the important asset which protects the organization in adversity is the brand which the company owns. If the company is unable to recognize the value of its brand and skill required to drive the value, then the organization is missing a golden opportunity for surviving in the economic crisis.

Brand management during the recession is at the discretion of managers and they need to plan for good tactics to withstand pressure in those situations. The managers need to concentrate on their brand during the tough time so as to build a competitive edge in the market. The following are some of the tools for the managers for building their brand during recession:


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Management, Recession Economy, Economic Crisis, Financial Turmoil, Business Leaders, Financial Crisis, American Business Press, McGraw-hill Research Laboratory, Harvard Business Review, American Life Project, Quality Assurance, Marketing Strategy.