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Global CEO Magazine:
CEO of Me : Creating a Life That Works in the Flexible Job Age

Entrepreneurs and leaders are born and the same is true of CEOs. Extraordinary people are born out of circumstances. Many CEOs are the compact mix of educational inputs and industrial expertise. To sustain their leadership as a CEO, CFO, COO or CTO certain standard operating procedures are required. This book acts as a guiding material for the existing and upcoming CEOs wherein the authors have combined the managerial aspects and psychology.

first and foremost, the authors request the readers to under stand their current managing relationships between work and personal life. They make a statement saying `you are the CEO of your life' and hence you have the control to balance your work and personal life. This is the simple mantra the authors are trying to convey through various stages discussed under different titles in the book.

The authors speak about the `Four Rules' which is really a prerequisite for a person to become a `CEO of Working Life' (Refer Box). They say that individuals should manage their personal life like a CEO by making strategic decisions _ this creates more work life choices. At the second stage, people will have a greater ability to accept more variation and diversity in employment deals. Adherence is the next key aspect; there is a discussion about the degree of compatibility, which is tested here _ how well the employees get along with the organization and its environment.

The test reveals that 83% of families with parents and kids have dual earning members, 50% of the working people are of more than 50 years of age and they choose not to retire or at least they would take up a part time job, and nearly 40% of the top managers in the US companies are women. The authors encourage everybody to adopt a suitable flex style to manage actions, emotions, and thoughts to create a pattern combining professional and personal life.

Under the caption "Knowing your Flexstyle" the authors try to give the ranfe of different styles of behavior. If you experience an ongoing tension between your professional and personal life without knowing what the root causes are, then you most probably have not understood the underlying fact that `you have developed a working style'.

The authors are of the view that people can succeed in their career only if they realize and understand their flex styles and know about how they work in the organization. The reason behind this is that `you perceive a fit between your values and your flex styles'. But the real fact is that they have neutral influence on each other. This in turn leads to excess stress and imbalance of work and personal life. The authors further add that the integrators have difficulty in drawing lines between work and family life and segment work from personal life both psychologically and physically.


Entrepreneurs, leaders, CEOs, educational, industrial expertise, CEO, CFO, COO, CTO, psychology, Four Rules, Working Life, strategic decisions, Flexstyle, authors, organization, flex styles, psychologically , physically.