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Global CEO Magazine:
Building e-Tail Brands

This article discusses the pros and cons of building a brand for a Web-based retailer. It first discusses the generic issues involved in brand building and the four components of brand value, which are built through stories, images and associations by using culture, influencers and customers. Web-based retailers need to consider the role of navigability and interactivity in building trust which leads to brand attitude and brand loyalty. They also need to clearly define their brand identity and build a platform for a strong online brand.


The importance of brands can not be overemphasized today. In retailing, building strong brands leads to competitive advantage for the retailers particularly in times of recession. However, for companies venturing into e-commerce, creating brands is a more technical and complicated process. Considering the fact that Internet is experienced differently from physical market place, it is still a challenge for companies to establish themselves in the minds of the customers. In India, many companies are venturing into e-retailing. Prominent players include yatra.com, straightline.in, futurebazaar.com, Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, etc. Many of them are struggling to create a different image of themselves in the mind of the target customers.

It is common for customers to move from one store to another, similar to their online behavior. If online retailers want to build a sustainable brand, they need to understand the basics of brand building as well as the peculiarities of doing it on the Web.


Global CEO Magazine, E-Tail Brands, Web-based Retailers, Brand Loyalty, Indian Railway Catering, Tourism Corporation Limited, Brand Building, Telemarketing, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG Brands, Web Atmospherics, Brand Personality, Customer Relationship Management, CRM.