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Global CEO Magazine:
Multicultural Organization : A Big Boon for All

Multicultural organizations are the ones which are globally successful. People never ask a multicultural brand, whether it is prepared in the US plant or in the Indian unit. Brands like Nike, Mercedes Benz and Walt Disney sell anywhere simply because they have a global outlook, which, in turn, comes from a multicultural set-up. This article tries to decipher multiculturalism as a big boon for all organizational stakeholders.


Multicultural organization is the order of the day. The emergence of liberalization, privatization and globalization along with the evolutionary developments in the field of technology and business has made organizations embrace a multicultural set-up either by choice or by coercion.

Some organizations have realized the importance of laying a multicultural set-up in the overall interests of all the stakeholders whereas some took it as a compulsion. To put it plainly, one took it as a boon and the other as a bane.

Imagine the consequences of Indian behemoths like Infosys, Tata Consultancy, Tata Motors, Wipro, Ranbaxy and many other Indian multinationals resisting the systemic alternation from a monoculture to a multicultural structure? Can you imagine the impact of multicultural resistance on Arcelor-Mittal or Tata-Corus? Could these companies have catapulted themselves into the esteemed list of global corporations? One of the biggest open secrets for the success of all multinational corporations is to lay down a fabric of multicultural fragrance across the length and breadth of the operations wherever they are and whatever they do.

However, in spite of the tangible benefits accrued by adopting a multicultural set-up, most of the modern day organizations are still reticent to go full throttle owing to one reason or the other. However, it is easier said than done. The mere recruitment of people from different nationalities does not mean an organization adopts a multicultural system.


Global CEO Magazine, Multicultural Organizations, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, LPG, Tata Consultancy, Arcelor-Mittal, Multicultural Entity, Corporate Governance, Wal-Mart, Knowledge Horizon, Walt Disney, Multicultural Entity, Business Development.