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HRM Review Magazine:

This article sheds light on the deplorable ecological conditions existing in the world. It also touches upon the steps to be taken by the corporate world to reflect the right eco-etiquette. It further suggests that eco-etiquette should be made an essential component of the recruitment process as soft skills has been made.


Recent times have witnessed serious global concerns about deteriorating urban environmental conditions and their long range of implications. Poorly managed offices (among many other reasons) contribute in growing measure to several global environmental concerns. Corporate offices need to understand the magnitude of the issue in concern and make it mandatory for every employee to reflect the right eco-etiquette.

Business houses take a lot of care during recruitment to ensure that they recruit only those who reflect the right business etiquette and soft skills. The recruitment process itself has to undergo a radical change and eco-etiquette should be high on the agenda of corporate houses and make it incumbent on every individual of the organization to reduce carbon footprints on earth and stop global warming before it boils us all down.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), several corporate houses are already into certain remarkable activities to stop global warming. According to a study, a good percentage of business houses are into some form of Environmental Responsibility Policy. This itself is a proof of the fact that caring for the planet is becoming an imperative that we cannot do without. But the need of the hour is not any coffee table discussions to protect environment but a radical and aggressive change in the office work culture. It should be the shared vision of both the employer and employee to work towards environmental sustainability.

Corporates should, therefore, mercilessly enforce eco-etiquette to avoid the worst effects of global warming. This is termed as `Corporate Responsibility' to the environment around us. This has become a necessity rather than a choice. Genuine progress can be achieved only when the problems and goals are shared. It is to be noted that workers are proud to be associated with companies which help the environment and not those which plunder it.

The first step towards eco-etiquette is to be committed to encouraging, promoting and supporting ecological consciousness. The second step is to function on the three basic principles of reduce, recycle and reuse.


Environmental Issues Eco-Etiquette, Soft Skills, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Global Warming, Environmental Responsibility Policy, Water Management, Microsoft Developmental Center, Tata Consultancy Services, TCS, Eco-Holocaust, Business Organizations, Thermal Energy.