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HRM Review Magazine:
Go Beyond Counseling

The goal of holistic counseling is not only to solve `presented' problems, but also to help the person feel free and good with himself. This article focuses on holistic counseling to enhance one's total personality.


Human beings are separated from other animal species due to their ability to express and communicate thoughts and feelings, ability to be together and socialize. Some of these abilities may have innate background, but it will be learned and nurtured in our developmental stages. This will vary our chances of expressing the abilities in a uniform manner and raises many conflicts in the interpersonal and social relationships. This conflict can be as small as a misunderstanding between two friends or it can be as severe as religious wars and massacres.

Whatever is the degree and intensity of conflict we have, it will affect our basic relationship `within our self' and also our ability to understand other people. This disturbs self and lowers ability to understand others, raises a need, which has to be satisfied to reach the homeostasis. Again this need satisfaction can be achieved either by the person or with the help of somebody who is competent enough to understand and help in solving the conflict.

Satisfying the need by oneself has many drawbacks. Our emotions and belief patterns, sometimes, reduce options and choices which affect our realistic conflict resolution capacity. But getting professional help to satisfy our need to reach homeostasis will lessen this drawback and can be quite effective.

Counseling is an approach to human development which focuses on enhancing an individual's potentials and overcoming limitations to resolve problems or conflicts. According to the modern psychology literature, most of the counseling approaches are based on one of the theories of personality where the main emphasis is on making rapport, non-judgmental attitude, empathy and listening skills, etc. (Rao, 1991). A major part of the counseling process occurs at one-on-one level where the counselee talks about his/her problems and counselor or psychotherapist understands it from an unbiased perspective and helps in resolving the problem or conflict. Behavioral psychologists will do it sometimes in a different way; they work in a field setting where the behavior occurs and help in reducing the maladaptive behavior or increasing the adaptive behavior


HRM Review Magazine, Psychology Literature, Bhagavad Gita, Psycho Neuro Immunology, PNI, IT Company, Medical Fraternity, Psychological Symptoms, Intellectual Skills, Psychology Literature, Organismic Theories, Behavioral Psychologists.