+ HRM Review Magazine | Successful Interviews : An Overview
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HRM Review Magazine:
Successful Interviews : An Overview

The article discusses, in a nutshell, as to what an employer looks for in a candidate and also how a candidate should perform at the time of the interview. This is done with a special reference to interviews for a senior position by a professionally managed organization or a corporate.


To know about the profile of a person, interviews have be come a must. These interviews may be of different types in different situations like the personal/panel/telephonic interviews. First of all, we have to keep in mind the objectives of the interviews. There are always a minimum of two parties involved in the process of interview, i.e., the interviewer and the interviewee, i.e., the applicant or the job-seeker of any type. Therefore, interview skills are very important from the point of view of both the parties. There are certain arts or skills which are required to be acquired by both the parties to make the interviews effective.

For senior positions, the employer looks for the following emerging skills and traits in the person to be recruited.

He should be a leader who can guide the employees for better results, a strategist to make the employees conversant with long-term goals, a mentor to motivate the personnel for development, an architect to lay, the foundation of a good organization, an institution-builder for better creativity and reputation, a perfect coordinator to build up team spirit among employees, and a champion of a specific cause in terms of corporate goals. These are called the basic inherent strengths of a candidate.

In addition to the above skills, industry and business houses always try to find out the breadth and the depth of the applicant/candidate with regard to knowledge of the subject studied by him, expertise and specialization of training, experience of relevant working. These things are checked to find the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the job-seeker. The employers normally prefer a candidate who is effective and efficient in doing the job or handling various situations.

They desire that the candidate's capacity in assessing problems and finding out solutions to the problems should be most scientific, professional and cost-effective; he should also have the capacity to implement the Management Systems, Procedures and Controls and Man Management. He should keep himself up to date with new levels of knowledge, and latest developments; he should have leadership traits of competence, responsibility and authority and should have an understanding of corporate values.

The person to be recruited must also be capable of understanding and adopting the prevalent corporate values in the organization, which consist of: passion, respect (for customers, shareholders and management), integrity (highest standard of ethical behavior) and discipline, i.e., ability to choose the truth over convenience.

In modern corporate recruitment process, the problem, while screening and selecting the right candidate, lies in understanding the difference between attitude and aptitude.

The following motivational characteristics of the candidates are screened to judge his attitude: Character qualities (integrity, honesty and dedication), Interests (products, services and environment), Values (convictions or beliefs about the work).


HRM Review Magazine, Successful Interviews, Interview Skills, Mock Interview, Critical Analysis, Career Goals, Leadership Traits, Decision-Making Process, Team Spirit, Communication Skills, Enron Corporation, Bear Strearn's Company, Analytical Skills.