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The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance and Indian FMCG Industry

The present study aims at examining the governance practices prevailing in the prominent companies of the Indian Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector within the Indian regulatory framework. The study also aims at assessing the substance and quality of reporting of the corporate governance practices in annual reports. The study includes four renowned companies in the FMCG sectorHindustan Unilever Ltd., ITC Ltd., Nestle (India) Ltd. and Tata Tea Ltd. For this purpose, parameters include the statutory and non-mandatory requirements stipulated by the revised Clause 49 of the listing agreement, as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and relative amendments in the Companies Act, 1956. It has been observed that among the four renowned FMCG companies, ITC scored the highest points, followed by Tata Tea, HUL and Nestle. ITC, Tata Tea and HUL figured in the criteria of Very Good and Nestle figured in the criteria of Good.


Globalization, to become successful, has to be preceded by good governance. The key principle for success is to ensure that growth is sustained and shared. Sustained, in that, it is robust and can withstand shock and shared, in that, it brings prosperity to many, rather than the few. There are many players involved in good (corporate) governanceowners, shareholders, board of directors, managers and employees. They are the internal architecture. The external architecture comprises the legal and statutory requirements, regulatory standards, stock markets, government policies, media, reputation, and agents such as standards and accounting bodies, all of which affect the corporation's credibility and stock value.

The present study aims at examining the governance practices prevailing in the corporate sector within the Indian regulatory framework using the case study method. The study was conducted to assess governance practices and processes followed by Indian corporate houses. The study also aims at quantitatively assessing the substance and quality of reporting of corporate governance practices in annual reports. The study was conducted on four renowned companies in the FMCG sectorHindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), ITC Ltd. (ITC), Nestle (India) Ltd. and Tata Tea Ltd.


Corporate Governance and Indian FMCG Industry, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), ITC Ltd. (ITC), Nestle (India) Ltd., Tata Tea Ltd, substance and quality, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), sustained and shared, governanceowners, shareholders, board of directors, managers and employees.