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The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering:
Optimal Power Flow Using Differential Evolution Under Deregulated Environment

To meet the growing load demand, power industries throughout the world are undergoing a restructuring process. The Independent Power Producers (IPP) must respond quickly to those load changes with respect to time. This paper describes the solution for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) in a deregulated environment using Differential Evolution (DE) technique. The proposed approach is capable of obtaining minimum solution irrespective of the nature of the objective function. The effectiveness of the approach is compared with the performance of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. The algorithm has been demonstrated on IEEE-14, 30 systems.

A decade earlier, the power system structure was almost a vertical one. A single utility controlled the power generation, transmission and distribution in an area. The rate of electricity was regulated and the market was a monopoly. Today, most of the power transfer in the electric power industry is carried out through the wheeling transactions. Retail wheeling will create an open market to encourage vigorous and fair competition in electric supply. Retail wheeling allows customers to choose power supplies. The utilities have to provide better services and cheaper power to attract customers. Thus wheeling is a hybrid concept resulting from integrating two inherently different economic concepts: an ideal world of regulated utilities and an ideal deregulated competitive market place (Yog et al., 2002). The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is the tool used to minimize the objective function of the IPP subjected to the power balance and inequality constraints, imposed on it. OPF has been used widely for system planning and operation, energy management, etc. Use of the OPF is becoming more important in the deregulated power industry to deploy the resources optimally.

The objective functions of the OPF problem are generally non-linear and non-convex in nature (Ongsakul and Tantimapron, 2006). The traditional optimization approaches, such as non-linear programming, quadratic programming, linear programming, mixed integer programming and interior point method, are used to solve the OPF problem. The literature on those approaches was reviewed by Mamoh et al. (1999a and 199b). But the convergence of those methods depends upon the nature of the objective function. To overcome these difficulties, many heuristic search algorithms such as Evolutionary Programming (EP) (Yuryevich and Wong, 1999; and Venkatesh et al., 2003), Genetic Algorithms (GA) (Bakirtzis et al., 2002), Tabu Search (TS) (Abido, 2002a; and Kulworawanichpong and Sujitorn, 2002), and Simulated Annealing (SA) (Roa-Sepulveda and Power-Lazo, 2003), have been proposed by many researchers to solve the OPF problem. An approach to solve the optimal power dispatch problem with bilateral and multilateral transactions has been proposed (Yog et al., 2001; and Gnanadass, 2005).


Optimal Power Flow Using Differential Evolution Under Deregulated Environment, Power system deregulation, Optimal power flow, Differential evolution, Independent power producer, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE), Evolutionary Programming (EP), Tabu Search (TS).