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The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering:
Simulation, Design and Development of a Wideband Printed Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna

A printed, Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna for 11.0 GHz was theoretically designed using the Stepped Approximation Method (SAM). The designed and calculated values have been optimized for wide band performance using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio. This microstrip antenna was fabricated on polytetra fluoroethylene (PTFE) and finally tested for its RF wideband performance. Various antenna parameters such as Voltage Standing Wave Ration (VSWR), radiation pattern, energy loss and 1:2 VSWR bandwidth were measured and the same recorded in the plots. The performance of this antenna system indicated its multi-frequency operation as a wideband Traveling Wave Antenna in the end fire mode. Also, the dielectric constant performance variation with frequency was tested in RF lab to confirm the effectiveness of its wideband multi-frequency operation.

The planar end fire Tapered Slot Antenna (TSA) is a novel technique on which very few theoretical studies have been done (Richard and Rainee, 1997). Hence, very little information and analysis is available in refereed resource literature. These types of radiating structures find wide applications (Schaubert et al., 1985) as a feed for reflector or lens antennas, in radar, for imaging including phased array radars. The other applications include: remote sensing, satellite communication and MMIC-based wireless communication systems. Its accurate design, precise fabrication, impedance matching over a wide range of frequencies (in case of multi-frequency wideband operations) and wide bandwidth are quite time-consuming and laborious; and it demands high-end software to optimize these kinds of structures. Experimental investigations have revealed that the electrical and structural properties contribute to the overall performance of the radiating structure. Various antenna parameters, such as the type of dielectric substrate, its thickness, associated tangential loss, the permittivity variation with frequency and temperature, significantly affect the overall performance of the planar Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna (LTSA), especially under high frequency operations. The geometrical parameters like size of the ground plane, slot dimensions, angle of taper, etc., are also to be considered in analyzing the performance. Further, the LTSA is a slow surface wave structure (Schaubert et al., 1985; and Richard and Rainee, 1997) with limitations like non-resonant, and formation of standing waves that greatly reduce the RF bandwidth. TSA structure offers significant distinguished advantages (Gupta and Garg, 1976; and Garg et al., 2000) over MSA, like uni-directional and bi-directional radiation fields, wide bandwidth, low spurious radiation and cross polarization in the desired band.

Because of the complex mathematical limitations of the Transmission Line Method (TLM), Moment Method (MOM) and Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), the LTSA structure was analyzed using SAM (Gupta and Garg, 1976; Huang et al., 1995; Garg et al., 2000; and Stockbroeckx, 2000). As the impedance of printed LTSA depends on the separation between the two surfaces that is a function of the linearly increasing width of the slot opening, the tapered section is uniformly divided into a number of quarter wavelength slots, i.e., subsections with progressively increasing width. Using this quarter wavelength impedance matching method, the reflection coefficient associated with each of the sub-sectioned step was calculated. The same was optimized in the simulation. The assumption for the SAM analysis is that the lateral edges extend to infinity, while the power conservation law validates at each step discontinuity; further, no reflection or radiation occurs at the step junction, and hence a full wave analysis is not necessary which creates a far field radiation pattern. Henceforth, in the light of the above assumptions and approximations, total far field is determined by algebraically adding the contribution from all different quarter wave sections.


Simulation, Design and Development of a Wideband Printed Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna, Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna (LTSA), SAM, Wideband multi-frequency, Transmission Line Method (TLM), Method of Moment (MOM), Finite Differential Time Domain (FDTD), Traveling Wave Amplifier (TWA).