In Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) circuit designs, the low mobility
(mp) P-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (PMOS) devices are sized up to attain the same conduction performance as
the high mobility (mn) N-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (NMOS) devices. The PMOS/NMOS width
ratio (b) is an important ratio in the design of digital circuits using conventional CMOS logic. The
conventional method of estimating b excludes the effect of several technology parameters in estimation of
PMOS/NMOS width ratio. This paper discusses a more accurate estimation of PMOS/NMOS width ratio, using
relevant technology parameters like tox, Vtn,
Vtp, Cj0n, Cj0p, Cj0swn, Cj0swp and built-in potential of PN junction
(PB). b ratio is computed for 0.5 mm technology and compared to their values computed using the
conventional method. The b ratio, taking into consideration many other technology parameters increases the
inverter threshold (switching threshold) voltage Vth by 5% and average propagation delay by 0.6%.
In digital Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits, the conventional
Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) logic style offers robustness against voltage
and transistor scaling and provides reliable operation at low voltages together with low
switching activity, as compared to other logic styles. CMOS has high noise margins due to
the presence of a static path that restores the correct logic state in the presence of
noise. Logic gates in conventional CMOS are constructed from N and P blocks. The N
block evaluates the `0' state, while the P block evaluates the `1' state, where only one of
the blocks is conducting at a steady state. The main drawback of conventional CMOS
circuits is the existence of the P block because of its low mobility
(mp) devices, compared to NMOS devices
(mn). Therefore, PMOS devices need to be sized up to attain the
gate's performance. The highest noise margin for static CMOS is conventionally obtained
by using a PMOS/NMOS width ratio (b) of mn / mp (Mohab et al., 2002; and Jan et al., 2004), which is also conventionally taken to provide identical current driving
capability for the N and P networks. If symmetry and noise margin are not of prime concern, it
is possible to speed up the inverter by reducing the width of PMOS device.
Conventionally, the best gate performance is supposed to be achieved with a PMOS/NMOS width
ratio of (Mohab et al., 2002; and Jan et
al., 2004), because, widening the P-channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor (PMOS) improves the tPLH of the inverter but also
degrades the tPHL due to increased capacitance of the next stage. The above result is based on
the assumption that ratio b depends only on mobility, while it actually depends on many
other technology parameters. In this analysis, we have included the effect of relevant
technology parameters in determining the ratio b. 0.5 mm technology has been considered for
the present study. The explaination of the calculation of b and inverter threshold voltage
(Vth) is followed by a description of dependence of b ratios on various technology parameters, a comparison of different b ratios for 0.5 mm technology, a comparison of inverter
threshold voltage (Vth) for different b, a comparison of inverter average propagation delay
for different b ratio, and the conclusion. |