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MBA Review Magazine:

To reduce the shock of employees leaving individually or in groups, the Human Resource Departments (HRD) must draw cross-functional support for due implementation of employee-friendly policies and processes.


The industry is feeling the heat of people leaving their jobs left, right and center. Till a few years back the showcase of the job market was `No Vacancy'. Recall the cinemas of Yesteryears where the hero used to strive hard to shoulder family responsibility, wandering from door-to-door with no show of job, or the famous coaching institute advertisement showing a man in his early twenties, with a satchel, being projected as a person with a dream of a good career, but remains nowhere even in his mid-thirties. Today, the situation has reversed. The industry is striving hard to attract as well as retain talent. Companies are trying to attract the attention of talent through multi-colored premium page advertisements, electronic billboards, portals, TV advertisements and sometimes with just handouts. Nowadays, career fairs and campus shows are happening quite often even in small towns. Organizations are adopting new strategies like in-bus recruitment to catch the attention of the younger generation. It is time that the employer asks the prospective employee what he could do for them rather than trying to project itself as the most sought after employer by offering bouquets.


MBA Review Magazine, Human Resource Departments, HRD, Electronic Billboards, TV Advertisements, Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Organizational Culture, HR Policy, Booming Economy, Managerial Skills, Conventional Industries, Management Information System, MIS, Economy Sectors, Retention Strategy.