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MBA Review Magazine:
Barack Obama : First African-American President of USA

The President-elect Obama, faced with the biggest global financial crisis and a host of domestic economic ills, which include rising unemployment, falling home values, deeply shaken confidence and a daunting array of foreign policy challenges, needs to darn up the country's frayed international image.


A Graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, and also President of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a Community Organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Senate. The election of Barrack Hussein Obama as the first African-American and the 44th President of the US is definitely an end to the long racial discrimination and certainly the beginning of a new era. However, these are anxious moments and one has to wait and see if this is also the beginning of an end to a cult. When Barack Obama stood as a candidate for the Presidential elections he moved ahead with a point that he will stop job outsourcing so that more Americans can be employed at home.

The next president has a political commitment. If that happens, Americans will surely get jobs, but lot of Indians will be losing them. It is no hidden fact that call center executives have become like a cult in India, but if outsourcing of jobs is objected to in the US then we are going to have a lot of unemployed youth in our country.

The buzz at present in the IT field, especially in India, is whether Barrack Obama will stop outsourcing. It is a point to ponder whether software and IT-related people can sustain the loss that will occur if Obama brings about this change. IT companies have invested millions of dollars in India for better profits, which they could not afford in the US or any other developed country. If they do so, they will have to invest 10 times the amount they have invested in India. IT companies need people who can stretch their work hours to complete their projects fast and fetch them more projects from other clients which is only possible in countries such as India. They can hire people from India at a lower salary, which is not possible in most countries. The main and the important resource that the IT companies expect is the amount of cost-effective grey matter that is available only in India. Under such circumstances how could Barrack Obama stop IT outsourcing. When such conditions prevail, one may question how the US IT companies could be stopped from outsourcing their work. Not only that: If they went on to recruit people from the US and stop outsourcing, they would not withstand even for one year, which could lead to closing of their company.


MBA Review Magazine, Global Financial Crisis, Barack Obama, Community Organizer, IT Companies, IT Outsourcing, American Economy, Indian Outsourcing Industry, Indian IT-BPO Industry, Business Outsourcing, Emerging Economy, National Security Issues, Domestic Economic Ills.