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MBA Review Magazine:
Billions of Entrepreneurs : How China and India are Reshaping Their Futures and Yours

The book offers a fairly comprehensive comparative study of how China and India have gone about the task of transforming their respective economies. It dwells at length on the fundamental difference between the two countries and the underlying compulsions.


It is indisputable that over the last three decades, the two Asian giants, China and India have taken big strides forward on the economic development front. Given their size and fast-improving financial muscle, they have left the world, especially the First World, with no option but to sit up and take note of their resurgence and acknowledge their imminent emergence as economic superpowers.

Condescending references to them as countries with a past, with nothing to offer to the modern world except a history of past glory, have since yielded place to serious analysis of the economic models that they have successfully adopted in recent times and the crucial role that they are poised to play in international affairs in the near future.

The old Red China, with its miniscule rates of growth and teeming millions living in great poverty, has already transformed itself into an economic powerhouse of awesome strength. Its per capita income grew from a miserable $673 in 1978 to a very respectable $5,878 in 2005. What interests, and perhaps alarms, the West is not just the growth achieved so far but the incredible pace and momentum witnessed in the Chinese economy. China is truly out to rewrite the world economic orderand in quick time too.


MBA Review Magazine, Economic Development, Economic Models, Chinese Economy, Economic Powerhouse, World Economies, Economic cooperation, Chinese Communist Party, Infrastructure Development, Indian Financial System, Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Socioeconomic Issues, Rural Development.