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MBA Review Magazine:
Michael E Porter : Father of Modern Strategy

Michael Porter is one of the most-sought-after experts on strategy worldwide. He is a leading thinker in areas of strategy, competitiveness, healthcare delivery and other subjects related to business, government, non-profit organizations and philanthropic activities.


Michael Porter is a leading authority on strategy and competitiveness. His ideas are the foundation for courses on strategy and competitiveness. He has also acted as an advisor to several business and government organizations. Porter's work is taught at virtually every business school in the world. His core field is competitive strategy, which remains a major focus of his research. Porter's book on strategy titled Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, is in its 63rd printing and has been translated into 19 languages. Another leading book titled, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance was published in 1985 and is in its 38th year of printing. So far, he has authored 17 books and over 125 articles. His books are a must read for MBA students and all other people interested in management and corporate strategy.

In 1969, Porter received a BSE degree from Princeton University with high honors in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. In 1971, he received an MBA with high distinction and in 1973 a Doctorate in Business Economics from Harvard University. In 2001, Harvard University and Harvard Business School jointly created the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness which helped to boost Porter's ideas. At Harvard, a University professorship is the highest professional recognition which can be awarded to a faculty member. Porter is the fourth faculty member in Harvard Business School history to earn this distinction.


MBA Review Magazine, Michael Porter, Government Organizations, Business Organizations, Corporate Strategy, Business Economics, Total Quality Management, TQM, Global Competitiveness Report, Economic Strategy, Economic Development, Competitive Strategy.