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HRM Review Magazine:
Best Practices of HR in Service Sector : An SME Service Industry Perspective

This article has been written based on the Human Resources (HR) practices followed by an SME service industry. It tries to reveal the HR practices, where some of the best practices are followed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere and good working conditions. This will help the SME managers to get an insight in order to improve their efficiency. It mainly discusses the HR mantras of the company and the HR strategies that they follow - Recruitment, Induction, Learning and Development, Communication Channel, Performance Management System, Compensation Management, Motivational Initiatives, and Retention Strategies.


Management is the art of getting extraordinary results from ordinary people. Human Resource Management (HRM) is also a management function concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people in organizations.

Knowledge, as a principal factor of competition and quality advantage, today, has a crucial role in the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). As a part of their evolution process SMEs are being given more concentration towards territory development and production growth. Managers are interested in training courses that suit their needs, are flexible and provide innovative solutions without constraints of time and space. Modern organizations are today looking for `knowledge management' strategies and processes to be able to collect information and expertise knowledge, coming from individuals and accessible to everybody.

SMEs and Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) are companies whose headcount or turnovers fall below certain limits. In India, the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) sector plays a pivotal role in the overall industrial economy of the country. It is estimated that in terms of value, the sector accounts for about 39% of the manufacturing output and around 33% of the total exports of the country. Further, in recent years, the MSE sector has consistently registered higher growth rate, compared to the overall industrial sector. The major advantage of the sector is its employment potential at low capital cost. As per available statistics, this sector employs an estimated 31 million people, spread over 12.8 million enterprises, and the labor intensity is estimated to be almost four times higher than large enterprises.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resource Management, HRM, SME Service Industry, Performance Management System, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Small and Medium Businesses, SMBs, Micro and Small Enterprises, MSEs, Industrial Economies, Retention Strategies, Recruitment Process, Compensation Management.