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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
How to Change Your Brand Identity and When

It has been seen that numerous brands, especially those of banks, have undergone major cosmetic changes of look and feel in the recent past. Some of them are just imitating the leader and nothing more. But there should be a valid basis for changing one's brand identity, and it is also quite important as to how to communicate those changes to the target audience. These issues are discussed in this article with the help of an example.


One should not look for a complex piece of artwork to replace the current identity. There are practically a lot of simple choices by way of shapes, designs and orientations, such as square, rectangle, circle, vertical, and horizontal, that can be used in the process of creating a new identity. One also has the choice of using a picture or company name or both.

In the first instance, it would be useful to decide on the orientation of the new brand identity - whether it would be horizontal (landscape) or vertical (portrait). As the world that we see appears to us in landscape format, a horizontal orientation is, in most instances, preferable for better visibility and brand recall.

EPP Composite Pvt. Ltd, a client of Radiant Media Convergence, is one of the leading players in the fibreglass composite products business in India, and markets its products to various user segments, such as infrastructure, building and construction, chemicals, electrical and automobile industries, railways, marine, defence, wind energy and offshore applications. Due to such a wide canvas of end-users, the brand `EPP' comes in touch with thousands of people at different levels. The company was using the logo shown on the left side of Exhibit 1 as its identity for many years, but the basic problem with it was comparatively poor visibility. In India, the unorganized sector poses a significant challenge to any established company, and the same is true for the composites industry also. As a result, there was a need for change of brand identity. Otherwise, customers may have mistaken EPP for any player from the unorganized sector using a similar brand name and logo.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Brand Identity, Radiant Media Convergence, Unorganized Sectors, Visual Advertisements, E-mail Messages, Marketing Teams, Visual Presentations, Chemical Plants, Industrial Applications, Communication Strategies.