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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
An Encounter of Many Kinds: Value Chain in the Indian Book Publishing Industry

It is (or rather was in the `good old days') exciting to read a book. An author feels very proud when his book is published. However, the journey from the author's manuscript to a best selling publication (the value chain) is a very interesting one, full of rough patches for both the author and the publisher, and to some extent, the reader too. This article outlines the value chain in book publishing, and looks at the risks and the pain points. It provides a basic understanding of the rough-and-tumble of book publishing for budding authors. Marketing of books is not similar to any other business. This industry has its own way of doing things. Read on to learn more.


Sometime after I quit my job with the Oxford Bookstore, I was approached by Mr. Abbas Kazerooni, an American of Iranian descent and author of `Little Man', who was looking for an Indian publisher for his second novel. I was taken aback, and my immediate response was, "Are you sure about an Indian publisher?" He replied, "Yes, I am positive." Surprised as I was, I started researching publishers on the web and consulted a few other friends in the book publishing industry. Having worked at a bookstore, I was already quite familiar with the retailing aspect. My interest was in understanding the supply chain of the book publishing industry, and my journey towards this goal began here.

Mr. Kazerooni sent me a copy of his manuscript to be forwarded to the publishers. I had previously read his first book and it was a very moving and inspiring.

The journey of finding the right publisher is a strenuous one. The odds of getting published with a reputable publishing house in India are very low. This led me to wonder why Indian publishers are reluctant with some authors and bold with some others. Don't they think that every book deserves a fair chance? The publishers are anyway gambling with every book. They are staking their money, effort and reputation, hoping that it pays off. Mr. Kazerooni published his first book and made acquaintances with a few American publishers. He now wanted to approach Indian publishers directly, and using an agent was his last resort. So, there hung a post-it on my refrigerator, "Find a publisher."


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Indian Book Publishing Industry, Distribution Channels, Entertainment Technology, Online Video Games, Electronic Books, Retail Outlets, Distribution Networks, Marketing Teams, Indian Publishers, American Publishers.