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Marketing Mastermind Magazine:
Tiger Woods: Will The Endorsements Spree Continue?

Advertisers have to be quite selective when choosing celebrities as their endorsers. A clean public image and consistent performance in their profession are the main deciding factors. And Tiger Woods seemed to fit the bill perfectly. He is known internationally and can hence sell a variety of products across the globe. His dominance in golf and hitherto longstanding scandal-free image made him the most preferred celebrity for commercial endorsements. He is slated to become the first sports person to cross $1 bn in endorsement contracts during 2010. However, some shocking revelations of the recent past have raised troubling questions, not just about Tiger Woods, but about celebrity endorsements in general.


Today, many marketers are en- ticed by the selling power of celebrities. They look for a famous face that can attract consumers' attention and enhance the image of the sponsoring company. Film and sport personalities are their obvious choices.

However, the cold winds of recession in the US have not spared even global auto giants, like General Motors (GM). GM and Tiger Woods ended their nine-year relationship in November 2008 as part of GM's cost- cutting efforts to survive in a declining economy.

After parting with GM, Woods quickly entered into an endorsement contract with AT&T to make up the loss. Golf Digest magazine predicts that with the present endorsement contracts, Tiger Woods will become the world's first sports personality to garner $1bn in earnings through endorsements by 2010.

This case study discusses the concept of celebrity endorsement and sportspersons as endorsers. For successful endorsement featuring a sportsperson, his on-field performance, a clean image off the field and good public reputation are most essential. Unfortunately, not many celebrities from the fields of sports and entertainment can meet all these requirements in a sustained manner. Given this context, this case study throws light on the career graph and endorsement contracts of Tiger Woods, who has been quite successful in his chosen field and is the richest sports celebrity endorser in the world. But some recent events have raised questions about a personality who was otherwise considered a role model among celebrity endorsers.


Marketing Mastermind Magazine, Tiger Woods, Endorsement Contracts, Nike Golf Products, Golf Equipment Market, Golf Clubs, Celebrity Endorsements, Global Resources, Brand Ambassadors, Multinational Brands, Golf Tournaments, Commercial Advertisements, Multinational Giants.