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Event Management

This article talks about the live entertainment industry, the reasons for its growth in India, the growth trends, the challenges for the live entertainment sector as well as the processes involved in the complete Event Management process. The sector is expected to outperform the economy by offering a growth rate of around 30%. Live entertainment, thus, is going to be a huge wealth creator in the Indian economy as well as provide a host of opportunities to the budding entrepreneurs who will venture into this industry, which is more idea-intensive than capital-intensive.

Event Management is about managing an event. An event could be a birthday party, wedding, fashion show, trade conference, gala nite, theme party, corporate seminar, road show, exhibition, festivals, etc. The whole idea is that whatever be the situation, if the occasion demands organization and management of events, event management comes into the picture.



entertainment, growth, economy, industry, Management, sector, corporate, creator, demands, article, entrepreneurs, events,Event Management, managing event, birthday party, wedding, fashion show, trade conference, gala nite, theme,party, corporate seminar, road show, exhibition, festivals.