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Advertising Express Magazine:
How PR can Lead Brands in India

Old approaches used in developed markets need to be changed in an evolving economy, where credibility should be stressed over creativity to reach the next billion customers. According to the Financial Times Associate Editor, Martin Wolf, India will emerge as the world's largest economy by 2050. Wolf also predicts that India will overtake the US and China by 2025 in terms of real GDP growth. On top of that, BusinessWeek claims that the closest historical precedent for what's happening now in China and India is the PC revolution that occurred over the 1970s and early 1980s.

Possessing 1/6th of the world's population, India is clearly set to become the world's largest consumer market. Everything from food, shampoo and laundry detergent all the way to high-tech IT products will soon need to be branded into the minds of India's blossoming 200 million middle-class. Yet old marketing approaches to developed markets will have to be thrown out in favor of new approaches to fit this evolving economy. And public relations and its entailing slow and methodical core-branding effects will be the leader of the marketing mix to drive the increasing scale economies of the new brands entering India.


developed, economy, largest, blossoming, branded, BusinessWeek, changed, claims, closest, consumer, creativity, Possessing, 1/6th of the world's population, India is world's largest consumer market,food, shampoo and laundry detergent.