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HRM Review Magazine:
Acquisitions and Changes in Employee Attitudes
Acquisitions often effect harmful attitudinal changes among employees. In this paper, three scenariosa job characteristics change, a work relationships change and a change in the employment contracthas been examined, to understand the outcomes of acquisitions on employees. The first two scenarios assume that job factors and co-worker relationships affect overall employee attitudes. The third scenario assumes that survival behavior is triggered when a threshold for change is reached in an extreme situation such as an acquisition. Employee empowerment, visible supervision, transparent evaluation and open communication can mitigate acquisitions' harmful effects.

The last decade saw big ticket mergers and acquisitions in many countries. For example, in the US alone in 2002, there were 3,000 mergers and acquisitions involving more than $380 bn in financial assets. This merger and acquisition phenomena has been analyzed on the strategic and financial fit between the organizations involved. Only recently, have the researchers begun to study the impact on employeesan issue many argue, is critical in determining the success or failure of an acquisition. Acquisitions can have a potentially negative human impact, primarily in the form of attitudinal declines and increasing turnover. Mergers and acquisitions can cause depression, uncertainty, loss of control, and job insecurity.

Are there ways to lessen attitudinal declines and reduce undesired turnover? One possible way is to design intervention strategies that help employees cope up with the strong emotional upheavals often accompanying an acquisition. For example, stress reduction training could help employees cope during the transition period. Employees adjust better to an acquisition when they receive realistic communications throughout the process.



harmful attitudinal, changes among employees, scenariosa job, characteristics change, work relationships, change and a change, employment contracthas, acquisitions on employees, two scenarios, job factors and co-worker relationships.