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HRM Review Magazine:
Knowledge Management and Role of HR
Knowledge Management and Role of HR, Drucker, organizations of the future, knowledge-based, employ specialists, direct and discipline, own performance, organized feedback,colleagues, customers and corporate, headquarters,Knowledge management,concept with people. at the center stage has, thus, emerged as a new management tool in the corporate world, which this article proposes to discuss.

In the recent past, knowledge and knowledge management have generated a lot of interest among corporate leaders. It is of course the advent of information society and its move towards "knowledge economy" that has brought knowledge and the importance of its management within organizations into forefront. But this doesn't mean that there was no knowledge earlier and that people were not concerned about its management. Knowledge has been with us since mankind came into existence. Indeed, it is the accumulation and application of knowledge over centuries that transformed the agrarian society into industrial society and ultimately into information society. The only difference from the past is that today knowledge has become one of the key factors of production. In fact, many are now considering knowledge as the only economic resource in the knowledge society. The very fact that we consider today's economy to be knowledge economy places "knowledge" at the center-stage. Against this background, this article attempts to define what is knowledge, and what for and how knowledge management is accomplished, and the key role of human resources in effective knowledge management.



Knowledge Management and Role of HR, Drucker, organizations of the future, knowledge-based, employ specialists, direct and discipline, own performance, organized feedback,colleagues, customers and corporate, headquarters,Knowledge management,concept with people.