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HRM Review Magazine:
Harnessing Tacit Knowledge in Organizations

The success of any organization greatly depends on management of knowledge. Such knowledge should be shared among the members of the organization. In this perspective, explicit knowledge is easy to transmit than tacit knowledge. Harnessing tacit knowledge calls for suitable HR interventions in organizations.The eminent management thinker Peter F Drucker predicted that in the 21st century, companies would compete with each other by using their knowledge and the major challenge before the managers would be in managing the collective knowledge of the organization effectively. The knowledge base should be managed in such a way that it develops at a pace to match the current challenges of business environment, encourages all the members to contribute to it as well as benefited from it, and above all, that cannot be easily utilized by the competitors.

Each person should make use of the best and most current knowledge. In order to support such knowledge sharing systematically, many companies have adopted knowledge management practices and implemented worldwide knowledge management systems by utilizing global communication networks and groupware technology. This article first discusses knowledge base as a source of competitive advantage followed by the issues of harnessing tacit knowledge in organizations.


Harnessing, Tacit Knowledge, Organizations,Drucker, Drucker, depends, contribute, advantage, communication, adopted, challenges, challenge, members,knowledgemanagement,practices,implementedworldwideknowledge management systems.